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SWAPO Central Committee

The Central Committee of the SWAPO Party is a pivotal body that plays a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction and policies of the party. It serves as the principal administrative and policy-making organ, ensuring that the party’s goals and objectives are effectively pursued and realized across all levels of the organization.


​1. Cde Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah

2. Cde Sophia N Shaningwa

3. Cde Uahekua Herunga

4. Cde Lucia Witbooi

5. Cde Iipumbu Shiimi

6. Cde Loide Kasingo

7. Cde John Mutorwa

8. Cde Lucia lipumbu

9. Cde Charles Mubita

10. Cde Sirkka Ausiku

11. Cde Frans Kapofi

12. Cde Bernadette Maria Jagger

13. Cde Veikko Nekundi

14. Cde Tuulikki Abraham

15. Cde Nangolo N Mbumba

16. Cde Christine Haindaka         

17. Cde Alpheus G.!Naruseb

18. Cde Hilma Nicanor

19. Cde Willem Amutenya

20. Cde Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila

21. Cde Bonifatius Wakudumo

22. Cde Ester Kavela

23. Cde Pohamba Shifeta

24. Cde Petrina Haingura

25. Cde Neville Andre

26. Cde Verna M. Sinimbo

27. Cde Modestus Amutse

28. Cde Maria Elago

29. Cde Royal JK./Ui/o/oo

30. Cde Anna Nghipondoka

31. Cde Tobie Aupindi

32. Cde Paula Kooper

33. Cde. Edward Wambo

34. Cde Loise Garosas

35. Cde Peya Mushelenga

36. Cde Eveline Nawases-Taeyele

37. Cde Austin Samupwa

38. Cde Kornelia Shilunga

39. Cde Festus Ueitele

40. Cde Naemi Amuthenu

41. Cde John Likando

42. Cde Hilma N. lita

43. Cde Usko Nghaamwa

44. Cde Jenelly Matundu

45. Cde Tjekero Tweya

46. Cde Gaudentia Krohne

47. Cde Sebastian Karupu

48. Cde Fennie Nanyeni

49. Cde Tommy Nambahu

50. Cde Pendukeni livula-lthana

51. Cde John P. Elago

52. Cde Katrina Liswani

53. Cde Elia G Kaiyamo,

54. Cde Silvia Makgone

55. Cde Utoni Nujoma

56. Cde Nono Katjingisiua

57. Cde Salomon M.April

58. Cde Easter Mokaxwa

59. Cde Steve Sensus Ovambo

60. Cde Laura Mcleod-Katjrua

61. Cde Samuel Mbambo,

62. Cde Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun

63. Cde Hofni A. lipinge

64. Cde Katrina Hanse-Himarwa

65. Cde Erastus Uutoni

66. Cde Coleen van Wyk

67. Cde Obed Kandjoze

68. Cde Sirkka K. Kapanga

69. Cde Paulus Kapia

70. Cde Emma Kantema-Gaomas

71. Cde Marius Sheya

72. Cde Lempy Lucas

73. Cde Erginus Endjala

74. Cde Laurencia Stephanus

75. Cde Martin Shalli

76. Cde Marlyn Mbakera

77. Cde Sisa Namandje

78. Cde Sharonice Busch

79. Cde James Uerikua

80. Cde Ephraim Nekongo

81. Cde Fransina Kahungu

82. Cde Muwaita Shanyengana

83. Cde Phillemon Josua

84. Cde Ottilie Shinduvi

85. Cde Armas Amukwiyu

86. Cde Moffat Sileze

87. Cde Daniel Utapi Muhuura

88. Cde Immanuel Imms Namaseb

89. Cde Joplin Gontes

90. Cde Mathew Mumbala

91. Cde Elliot Mbako

92. Cde Julius Kaujova

93. Cde Sackey Kayone

94. Cde Werner Iita

95. Cde David Hamutenya

96. Cde Ruth Kaukuata-Mbura

97. Cde Petrus Nevonga

98. Cde Loide Shaanika

99. Cde Bamba Nghipandua

100. Cde Taimi Ileka

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